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Phonak Lumity

Phonak Lumity offers tailored hearing solutions, featuring enhanced speech understanding, seamless connectivity, rechargeable convenience, and diverse model options for individual preferences.

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Phonak Lumity in Bakersfield and Tehachapi, CA

Phonak Lumity, available at Hear Again 2 and Mountain Hearing Center in Bakersfield and Tehachapi, CA, offers a leap forward in hearing technology. Designed for superior sound clarity and understanding, the Phonak Lumity and Lumity Slim models aim to provide a near-natural hearing experience across various environments.

Phonak Lumity and Lumity Slim: Tailored Hearing Solutions

Both the Phonak Lumity and the sleeker Lumity Slim are designed to enhance daily communication and enjoyment of sound:

  • Enhanced Speech Understanding: Advanced technology helps users hear clearly in noisy situations by focusing on speech sounds.
  • Direct Connectivity: Stream audio directly from smartphones, TVs, and other devices, ensuring seamless integration into your digital life.
  • User-Centric Design: Customize your hearing experience with the myPhonak app, adjusting settings to match your personal preferences and listening environments.
  • Rechargeable Convenience: Enjoy a full day's use on a single charge with easy, reliable rechargeability.
  • Diverse Model Options: Choose from Receiver-In-Canal (RIC), Behind-The-Ear (BTE), and custom in-the-ear models, each available in various performance levels.

Your Local Phonak Experts

Dr. Eleanor Wilson and the experienced team at Hear Again 2 and Mountain Hearing Center are dedicated to providing personalized, patient-centered care. As a locally  owned business, we understand the importance of clear hearing and are committed to helping our patients achieve the best possible auditory experience.

Visit Us in Kern County

Come see how Phonak Lumity can transform your hearing experience by visiting us at our Bakersfield or Tehachapi locations. At Hear Again 2 and Mountain Hearing Center, we prioritize a thorough, personalized approach to your hearing care. We explore various hearing aid options and communication strategies to effectively address your specific hearing challenges, based on your lifestyle and where you need support the most. Our team is committed to helping you choose the best solution to improve your hearing and enhance your daily interactions.

Ready to Hear Better?

Contact Hear Again 2 or Mountain Hearing Center today to schedule an appointment with our audiologist. Let us show you how Phonak Lumity can make hearing effortless and enjoyable.

"Dr. Eleanor Wilson is the best audiologist I have consulted in my 25 years wearing hearing aids.  She is so knowledgeable and works tirelessly to give me the best hearing I can have."
-Clara R.
Bakersfield, CA

Other New Hearing Aid Models

Questions? Connect with our practice

If you have any questions, or are ready to schedule an appointment, get in touch. We're here to help.

Thank you, we'll be in touch. For immediate assistance, please call us at one of the numbers below.
Bakersfield Location:  (661) 323-2601
Tehachapi Location: (661) 823-0717
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